Mar 31, 2009

Do you Twitter?

Seems like everyone is "Twittering" these days...I've even heard some of the anchors on the cable news channels giving out their Twitter ID's. And yet, there are still many people that I know that haven't the slightest idea where to begin.

So...I came across this little "guide" to Twittering and thought I would pass it on to all of my blogging friends. Feel free to download it and pass it along as well!

Click on the link below:


  1. Just started twittering myself. Look me up!

  2. I'm not a twitterer. I'm not sure that I'll ever be. I love blogging and facebooking, but I don't need another thing.

  3. Thanks for the link. I've been contemplating it, still on the fence.

    Here from sits!

  4. Stopping by from SITS! I like Twitter. I don't update all the time, but at least once a day!

    Come visit me! I'm having a giveaway to celebrate my 100th post! =)
